Useful links

Below are some links to websites that we think parents of bilingual children will find useful, interesting or helpful. We have also included one or two quotes that we like.

The Roaming Bookclub

In response to the many requests we have received from students and parents for book recommendations, and seeing how enthusiastic our students are in class about sharing and presenting the books they have enjoyed reading, we decided to create a website for you. Thanks to Jennie (conceptualising), Jessica (volunteering to build it) and Alice (artistic guidance), we have designed an easy-to-navigate, family-friendly space for you -  all we need now is for you and your kids to get involved!

Roaming Schoolhouse network

Many RSH parents have their own thriving businesses. We approached one of them to get our website done and we think they did a very good job. They understood where we were coming from, suggested applications that we had never dreamed of, gave us a new image and above all, gave us on-line registration. And their continued support since then has been invaluable. Let's hear it for Boldset.

We often bring over trainee teachers to work as assistants for camp. My flat is barely large enough for the 4 of us, so we need somewhere to put them up. They love the flats that Montmartre Apartments have to offer. Ideal for short term rental.

Many of you know, Derek is rather fond of rugby. He first played for the RCPN in 1992 and still haven't entirely hung his boots up yet. They were Champions Ile de France 2005 and yes, that's him in the right hand corner with the bandage on his head!

One of our RSH mums has her own blog dealing with fashion, children's activities and ideas. We especially like the videos.

Useful links

I'm always forgetting when the French school holidays are. Not any more.


The following two quotes come from books that we would recommend as an educator and also some of us as parents. Derek read the second long before becoming involved in RSH and found it very useful and has stuck to many of its guidelines.

“Some bilingual parents worry endlessly about correctness of grammar, accuracy of vocabulary, not mixing two languages, and skilled interpreting and translating. Instead, the most important factor in raising a bilingual child is to make their language development a pleasure, a positive and enjoyable experience.”

– Colin Baker A Parents’ and Teachers’ Guide to Bilingualism.

“Children who grow up with two languages have a unique chance to acquire both of them in a way that is not possible for those who meet their second language later in life. These children have a potential access to the riches of two cultures, and may become extraordinarily linguistically and culturally competent adults, with the best of two worlds. These children are especially favoured and privileged. However, the presence of two languages may well give them some trouble at all levels of language learning. Children find themselves in a position where they are exposed to more than one language through no doing of their own. We adults have made the choices: the children have not chosen any part of the experience they are going through. It is, therefore, up to us to make things as easy as possible for them, while helping them to get the maximum benefit from the situation."

- Una Cunningham-Andersson and Staffan Andersson Growing up with two languages: A Practical Guide

Articles where we've appeared

We appeared in The Connexion's Guide to living in France — view the piece.

Our advice that appeared in The Local.