
Online classes: new for 2020/21

Our philosophy has always been to hold classes that kids can get to easily, hence the «roaming» in our name.

However, sometimes we are not able to find a suitable location or we don’t have enough children of the right age to create a class. Parents also lead busy lives and find it difficult to find the time to take their children to a class.

Online classes provide a solution to these problems.

In addition, where we would have scoffed at the idea a year ago, we found that online classes work much better than expected.

2020-21 Classes open for registration

In this period of uncertainty, one thing is certain: we will do our utmost to ensure Roaming Schoolhouse will be open for business next year. You can now sign up for classes next year. Assuming we are allowed to, these sessions will be face to face, complying with all health regulations in place.  If not, Zoom sessions and Google Classroom will be our main tools. They have worked since lockdown and will work again.

Inspired by the innovations we have applied during lockdown, we will also be looking at "blended" sessions and entirely online courses. Watch this space.

Coronavirus Cancellations

 It is absolutely not possible to facilitate distance learning with a primary aged child and work from home at the same time. The very idea is nonsense. If you're trying to do that, stop now. You can certainly have activities where your child learns, but your focus is your job, and survival. Again, unprecedented. Stop trying to be superheroes.

If our activities help, all to the good. If not, don't sweat it.

Roaming Schoolhouse will be operating in line with the government's guidelines. 

High Frequency Words

You may have heard them called tricky words. These are the words that we come across regularly and bascially have weird spellings. This makes them difficult for bilingual children where English is their minority language. They may well recognise them in a text, because of context but writing them is much more difficult.

You can download these words below to help improve your child's English.