Dear Parents,
Thank you for your confidence in Roaming Schoolhouse.
Our guidelines have been adjusted subsequent to President Macron's announcement on 14 June and the subsequent issuing of the "protocol sanitaire." The team will continue to monitor the situation and discuss any easing of our guidelines that we feel appropriate. If we decide to make any changes, you will be informed.
This will be a lengthy document, but we need to be as clear and precise as possible.
Prior to arrival:
Please check your child’s temperature before leaving for camp and check for any symptoms (persistent cough or temperature of 37.8°C or higher). In this case, please keep your child at home and inform us immediately. If you have any doubt about their health, please keep them at home. If a child develops a cough or a temperature during the day, we will isolate them, provide them with a mask and ask that they are picked up immediately . Please make sure that your contact details are up to date on the website, in case we need to reach you.
Check-in (8:30-9:30 am):
Weather permitting, this will take place in the playground. If not, we will use the hall in the main building. Parents will not be permitted to enter further into the school grounds. Visible markings on the ground will maintain social distancing during the check in process. Once check-in is complete, parents leave, and the child will first of all wash their hands and then be taken to a designated zone for their class.
9:30-11:00 Class
11:00-11:30 Break
11:30-13:00 Class
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-16:00 Class
16:00-16:30 Break
16:30-17:30 Class
17:30-18:00 Free time
All children must bring their own pencil case including pencils, pens, colours, a glue stick, scissors, disposable paper tissues and a ruler. Everyone must bring their own notebook as well – preferable with blank and lined pages (or one notebook of each type). A book to read is also a great idea.
Children cannot share their material.
Along with snacks and lunch for the day, this is all the children are allowed to bring with them for the day, unless we specifically ask for something else. Individual games may be brought.
We will keep the use of handouts to a minimum.
General Health and Safety:
Each class will maintain a self-contained bubble of no more than 13 students in a class with maternelle/CP students and a maximum of 15 students in the other classes.
We will operate a one-way system through the school (up the fire exit, down the internal stairs).
Each class will have the same teacher for the whole day – with a classroom assistant for the younger two classes. There will be a minimum of two (sometimes three) additional adults on site during the day. All staff will wear masks when within 1 metre of children.
Cleaning and disinfecting will be carried out twice a day by the company that the school subcontracts cleaning to.
Masks for children are voluntary. Social distancing is no longer required in the maternelle/CP classrooms. Children will be spaced 1m apart in the classroom for CE children and older. Children will wash their hands on arrival as well as before and after each break and lunchtime. This is a minimum. Each classroom will be equipped with hand gel.
Social distancing is no longer required in the playground within a "bubble." Classroom "bubbles" will be maintained in the playground.
Your help in explaining the rules to your children is appreciated. If, in our opinion, a child is not capable of maintaining social distancing to our satisfaction, that child will be isolated, and we will call the parent and insist that they be taken home.
We are currently working on as entertaining a programme as possible given the constraints placed upon us. Details will follow but we are hoping that we will be able to manage an excursion and some live Zoom sessions with some special guests.
Break time:
Each class will have a designated zone in the playground. Children will be able to eat snacks at this time – please make sure that any snacks are in easy to open containers. Younger children often cannot open crisp packets themselves, for example.
In total, children will have 90 minutes of break time in the playground during the day. They will have to be inventive as no ball games will be permitted.
Lunch time:
Children will be supervised eating their lunch in their classroom. Again, please make sure that lunch is in easy to open containers. Food cannot be heated, so please provide sandwiches, salads etc. For the younger children, please make sure that the food is easy to eat – preferably without cutlery.
After 30 minutes in the classroom, the children will have 30 minutes in their section of the playground.
There will be at least one session of sports per day for each class. This will make sure that along with the 90 minutes of break, the children spend a reasonable amount of time outside. We are also hoping to include at least one excursion (banks of the Seine, Jardin des Plantes….) per group during the week.
Weather permitting, this will be possible in the playground (as for drop off) between 4:30 and 6pm. The children will have returned to their classrooms between 4:30 and 5:30pm. Please maintain distance in the playground and advise us of an approximate time for pick up each morning.
École Sainte Catherine
Metro line 10 Maubert-Mutualité
Buses 24, 47, 63, 86, 87
Camp registration option(s):
Maternelle Class 1
Maximum of 10 students
Maternelle Class 2
Maximum 10 students
CP/CE1 class
15 students maximum